Rep: Doamna Mariana Sâna, cine este MTC ROMÂNIA şi care este cheia succesului pe piaţa românească ştim, dar cum este după 10 ani?
Mariana Sâna: MTC-RO este si ramane aceeasi firma comerciala, care promoveaza si vinde producatorilor din industria alimentara ingrediente, ambalaje si utilaje. Cand spun aceeasi, nu glumesc deloc: suntem firma care avem o politica si o cultura pe care toti angajatii o respecta, indiferent de pozitia si functia din cadrul sistemului.
Rep: Do you think that it is different for the competition?
M.S.: I would not like to comment on the competition, on the contrary I am convinced that only on a free, competitive market can we measure our strength and success to its true value. What I don't understand is the attitude of former MTC employees, who work today for competitors or in the companies of some suppliers. Maybe they don’t encounter the same values in their new jobs. We are still finding out that they are telling lies about MTC to our customers. They didn't learn these things in our company.
Rep: After all, people are free to go and work where they think it is better for them, don't you think?
M.S.: Cum sa nu, dar calitatea oamenilor fac esenta vietii; eu cred in continuare ca de succesul firmei MTC-RO sunt responsabili angajatii in primul rand, apoi produsele, circumstantele pietii, si apoi inteleg si acest lucru – fostii angajati ce sa lucreze altceva, decat ceea ce au invatat foarte bine in firma noastra? De fapt stiu ca nu poti schimba pe nimeni, doar pe tine insuti-si daca reusesti acest lucru-atunci aduci schimbarea dorita in jurul tau.
Rep: We joined NATO, 2007 is approaching and so is the accession to the European Union. How do you prepare for that?
M.S .: I wholeheartedly believe that we will succeed. I can believe that we are not prepared enough, that it will be difficult for us in Romania, I think it will be difficult for EU to have us, but in the end I am convinced that we will all do better and that we deserve the opportunity to create a better life.
We were only present in the milk processing fields until now, but now we are preparing to help in the milk collection and hygiene fields.
We get ready for the changes that will take place through greater flexibility, we strengthen and develop mainly the relationships with some traditional suppliers, we open new opportunities for collaboration in order to meet our customers’ requirements in the best possible way.
We are just as busy and concerned as before, we are waiting for recertification according to ISO 9001/2001, we are preparing for the meeting with our clients and partners at the MTC seminar and our slogan remains the same:
Choose the taste chosen by nature.
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